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A Note from Director Edee

Many may not know the details of how a program like this is run, so I'd like to publish some facts to help explain to everyone how we operate... below I've listed some rules we go by at Feeding Families Program:

1. We do NOT sell donated items; everything donated goes to families in need and to help cover the overhead of operating this program.

2. We do NOT take money from those we are helping, unless and until they are back on their feet again and no longer in need, and at that time say they want to pay it forward by donating. At no time do we ask them for money. We love for our families to volunteer time and work with us IF they can, but if a family is in need of our services, we feel it is unethical to take money from them... Not having money to survive is exactly why we are providing our services to them to begin with.

3. Be aware that no one is authorized to collect money on behalf of Feeding Families UNLESS they have in their possession a letter of authorization signed by me, Pastor Edee Grun. This is for YOUR protection as well as the Program. I have to be accountable for every cent donated and there are operating guidelines in place to assure donations are spent as intended. We always need donations but please send donations directly to the office or through the DONATE button on this site.

4. NO ONE who works with this program gets paid. Everyone, including myself, volunteers our time and services. The entire program is run strictly by volunteers.


5. We operate TOTALLY on donations of individuals, families, businesses in our communities, and from private donations from individuals across the country. We do NOT receive government funding. We do NOT receive any type of government grants. At this time, we do NOT get a tax-free exemption, neither as a church nor as a charity. We pay taxes.


6. We desperately need food and monetary donations to do what we do. For monetary donations: Please make any checks you send payable to Feeding Families of AL.

 You can mail it to 373 Mt Tabor Rd, Hartselle, AL 35640...or drop it by the pantry office. We also have PayPal and Cash App in place for electronic donations. You can bring monetary donations by the office anytime during office hours which are Monday-Thursday between 10am-3pm.

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